Become an Altar Server
St. Christopher Catholic Church offers Catholics an opportunity to grow in their faith and become more active in the Mass by serving as Altar Servers. Altar Servers are people who assist the priest during Mass.
You can server as an Altar Servers (boys and girls) after completing your first communion and being trained and continue to server no matter what your age. We have Altar Servers as young as 9 and as old as 99! If you think you’d like to serve, please contact the parish office.
While assisting at the Masses and other liturgical celebrations, it is important that servers be active participants in the liturgy and that they listen, sing, and pray with the entire assembly.
Open my mouth O’ Lord to bless thy Holy Name.
Cleanse my heart from all evil and distracting thoughts.
Enlighten my understanding, enflame my will that I may serve worthily at thy Holy Altar.
O’ Mary, Mother of Christ the High Priest, obtain for me the most important grace of knowing my vocation in life.
Grant me a true spirit of faith and humble
obedience, so that I may ever behold the priest as a representative of God, and willingly follow him in the Way, the Truth and the Life of Christ.